1- Handout: Did you think to pray bedpost hanger (Graphic 1) Print one for each child. Cut and punch hole at top. Tie yarn at top to make a hanger. 2- Treat Tag: Whoppers/scriptures (Graphic 2) Print one tag per child. Tie to Whoppers. 3- Handout: Word of God (Graphic 3) Print one bookmark per child. Cut. Instruct children to color in a square every day that they read the scriptures. 4- Handout: Read B.O.M. (Graphic 4) Print one bookmark per child. Cut. Instruct children to color in a square for every chapter that they read in the Book of Mormon. 5- Activity: Family Home Evening Wheel (Graphics 5-6) Print one wheel for each child. Color and cut. Have children write their family names on wheel. Attach fastener at center, so wheel can turn. Encourage children to help their families with family home evening. 6- Lesson Idea: Family Ties (Graphics 7-9)e Print one boy, one girl and one family. Color and cut. Print the word strips. Cut apart. Tape a piece of string or yarn to each word strip and to the boy and girl. For the lesson, tape the family at the center of the board and the boy and girl on the sides with the strings connecting to the family. Tell the children that each of us is part of a family and we have a tie to that family. Point to the boy and girl and the string that connects to the family. Although we each have family ties, there are things we can do to strengthen these ties. Have children come up and pick out a word strip and read what it says. Ask if that will help strengthen their family. Tape the word strip by the boy and connect his string to the family. When all of the word strips have been put on the board, ask the children who has the stronger family tie. Take the string that is attached to the girl and cut it with a pair of scissors. Then take all of the strings that are with the boy, wrap them together and try to cut them. Show the children that our family ties can be easily destroyed if we do not strengthen them by doing these things that Heavenly Father has asked us to do. 7- Singing Time Idea: Bunny Home Evening (Graphics 10-11) Print tree pieces and bunnies. Color and cut as directed. Glue tree together. Using poster putty, stick tree on board, and bunnies scattered around the board. Tell the children that the bunnies’ family is scattered all over and the mother and father want to bring them together. Ask the children if they can help you gather the bunnies and bring them back to their home. Have children take turns coming and picking a bunny and putting it in the house (they should slide into the slits below the windows and door.) Have them read the name of the song written on the back of the bunny. When all of the bunnies are home tell the children that family home evening is a way that we can keep our families together. Encourage them to remind their parents to have family home evening.